Poems Together: A Poets Tour Of Little Island Reader

PDF download of “Poems Together: A Poets Tour Of Little Island Reader”, a chapbook and activity book.

Poems Together: A Poets Tour Of Little Island Reader

Poems Together: A Poets Tour Of Little Island Reader is a chapbook that gathers new poems commissioned by Little Island to commemorate the park’s opening and the place of poetry in its inaugural arts festival. 

The program was curated by the poet Paolo Javier and featured the poetry of ray ferreira, Sky Hopinka, Paolo Javier, and Rosamond S. King. For this special festival, Passenger Pigeon Press created an activity book chapbook featuring the artwork of Katrina Fuller. It lives as a free downloadable PDF or as a handmade edition which includes crayons, stickers, and scissors.

Poems Together: A Poets Tour Of Little Island Reader

ray ferreira

Sky Hopinka

Paolo Javier

Rosamond S. King